Nicole Kristen Uy


Friendly and Intuitive Software Developer who learns quickly and specializes in application, web, and game development.

I have experience in the following programming languages: • C# • Java • C++ • JavaScript • SQL • HTML • CSS3 • PHP • JQuery

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This a .jar program that mainly functions as an inventory management system.

Unfotunately this program does NOT access a database, so it does not persistently store the data.


This was created as a school project to show proficiency in java and fxml programming using Netbeans.

Tech/framework used

Built with Netbeans IDE



screenshot 1

screenshot 2

screenshot 4


Simple User Interface

Categorizes inventory into products and the parts that go into them

Ability to search the inventory using their ID numbers

Ability to add, modify, and delete inventory

User input error prevention

User feedback prompts


  1. 50’s Diner Themed Website
  2. Tiny Planet Defender
  3. School Manager Android Application
  4. Inventory Manager Java Application
  5. Appointment Manager Java Application
  6. Unity as a Production Line Simulator

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