Friendly and Intuitive Software Developer who learns quickly and specializes in application, web, and game development.
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This is a small mobile application that can keep track of a student’s courses, tests, and terms. It also provides a note taking feature.
Built with Android Studio
Note taking features
Persistent saving using a SQLite database
Ability to add, edit, and delete Terms, Courses, and Assessments
Notifications and Alerts
Ability to enable and disable notifications and alerts
1. Method to access database and return a specific object
public CourseAndMentor returnCourseAndMentor(){
ArrayList<CourseAndMentor> selectedCourseAndMentor = new ArrayList<CourseAndMentor>();
String courseName = CourseAndMentor.getSelection();
CourseAndMentor selectedCourseAndMentorObjectReturn = null;
selectedCourseAndMentor = readCourseAndMentorObjects("SELECT courseId, Course_tbl.termId, Course_tbl.mentorId, \n" +
"\t\t\t\tcourseTitle, Course_tbl.startDate, Course_tbl.endDate, \n" +
"\t\t\t\t\ttermTitle, status, Course_tbl.alertActive, mentorName, phone, email\n" +
"FROM Course_tbl, Mentor_tbl, Term_tbl\n" +
"WHERE Course_tbl.termId = Term_tbl.termId\n" +
"AND Course_tbl.mentorId = Mentor_tbl.mentorId\n" +
"AND courseTitle = \"" + courseName + "\"");
for (CourseAndMentor courseAndMentor : selectedCourseAndMentor){
selectedCourseAndMentorObjectReturn = courseAndMentor;
String TAG = "nullLog";
Log.d(TAG, "Mentor Selection is EMPTY");
return selectedCourseAndMentorObjectReturn;
2. Method to access database and return a string matching a different string
public String getMatchTermName(String columnName, String date){
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT termTitle \n" +
"FROM Term_tbl \n" +
"WHERE " + columnName + " = \"" + date + "\"", null);
String matchingTermName = "";
matchingTermName = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("termTitle"));
return matchingTermName;
3. Method to access database and update a record in the “assessment” table
public long updateRecordAssessmentTbl(int assessID, int courseID, String name, String type, String goalDate,
String startDate, String endDate, String whereClause, String[] whereArgs){
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put("assessmentId", assessID);
values.put("courseId", courseID);
values.put("name", name);
values.put("type", type);
values.put("goalDate", goalDate);
values.put("startDate", startDate);
values.put("endDate", endDate);
return db.update("Assessment_tbl", values, whereClause, whereArgs);
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