Nicole Kristen Uy


Friendly and Intuitive Software Developer who learns quickly and specializes in application, web, and game development.

I have experience in the following programming languages: • C# • Java • C++ • JavaScript • SQL • HTML • CSS3 • PHP • JQuery

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This is a small mobile application that can keep track of a student’s courses, tests, and terms. It also provides a note taking feature.


Tech/framework used

Built with Android Studio



screenshot 1

screenshot 2

screenshot 3


Note taking features

Persistent saving using a SQLite database

Ability to add, edit, and delete Terms, Courses, and Assessments

Notifications and Alerts

Ability to enable and disable notifications and alerts

Code Samples

1. Method to access database and return a specific object

public CourseAndMentor returnCourseAndMentor(){

        ArrayList<CourseAndMentor> selectedCourseAndMentor = new ArrayList<CourseAndMentor>();
        String courseName = CourseAndMentor.getSelection();
        CourseAndMentor selectedCourseAndMentorObjectReturn = null;


            selectedCourseAndMentor = readCourseAndMentorObjects("SELECT courseId, Course_tbl.termId, Course_tbl.mentorId, \n" +
                                                                        "\t\t\t\tcourseTitle, Course_tbl.startDate, Course_tbl.endDate,                                                                         \n" +
                                                                        "\t\t\t\t\ttermTitle, status, Course_tbl.alertActive,                                                                                    mentorName, phone, email\n" +
                                                                        "FROM Course_tbl, Mentor_tbl, Term_tbl\n" +
                                                                        "WHERE Course_tbl.termId = Term_tbl.termId\n" +
                                                                        "AND Course_tbl.mentorId = Mentor_tbl.mentorId\n" +
                                                                        "AND courseTitle = \"" + courseName + "\"");

            for (CourseAndMentor courseAndMentor : selectedCourseAndMentor){

                selectedCourseAndMentorObjectReturn = courseAndMentor;


            String TAG = "nullLog";
            Log.d(TAG, "Mentor Selection is EMPTY");

        return selectedCourseAndMentorObjectReturn;

2. Method to access database and return a string matching a different string

public String getMatchTermName(String columnName, String date){

        SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
        Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT termTitle \n" +
                "FROM Term_tbl \n" +
                "WHERE " + columnName + " = \"" + date + "\"", null);

        String matchingTermName = "";


            matchingTermName = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("termTitle"));


        return matchingTermName;


3. Method to access database and update a record in the “assessment” table

 public long updateRecordAssessmentTbl(int assessID, int courseID, String name, String type, String goalDate,
                                          String startDate, String endDate, String whereClause, String[] whereArgs){

        SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();

        values.put("assessmentId", assessID);
        values.put("courseId", courseID);
        values.put("name", name);
        values.put("type", type);
        values.put("goalDate", goalDate);
        values.put("startDate", startDate);
        values.put("endDate", endDate);

        return db.update("Assessment_tbl", values, whereClause, whereArgs);



  1. 50’s Diner Themed Website
  2. Tiny Planet Defender
  3. School Manager Android Application
  4. Inventory Manager Java Application
  5. Appointment Manager Java Application
  6. Unity as a Production Line Simulator

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